Useful Resources


Note: Getting specific tree info usually requires calling multiple people and following the leads they offer. Here are some good places to start.

Your state/province/county: Local:
Department of Forestry Civic garden centers
County Extension Service Nature centers/preserves
Soil and Water Conservation District Arboretums
Tree/Nature/Environmental organizations Zoo landscape depts
County park arborists
Garden clubs
City forestry dept



Arbor Day Foundation -

Trees Are Good -

 What Are Trees Worth to Cities? - Forest Service research shows that USA cities are losing trees at a rate of approximately four million per year. But cities NEED trees, being that they remove carbon dioxide, filter air pollution, and produce oxygen. They absorb rainwater, UV radiation, and noise. They slow down traffic, improve property values, and reduce human stress and mental fatigue. And they provide shade, which means reduced air-conditioning costs. If you can only plant one tree, plant it in a city. For more info:


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