
What is Seeds To Trees?
Seeds To Trees Inc is a 501(c)(3) foundation dedicated to increasing the number of trees worldwide, by providing the information individuals need to grow and distribute tree seedlings within their communities, for free.


Why do we need Seeds To Trees?
It’s easy to feel powerless considering the enormity of environmental degradation worldwide. We contact politicians and recycle responsibly, but there’s a need to do something tangible, with immediate results, that will contribute to the solution. Growing tree seedlings and giving them away is something that anyone can do right in their own backyard (literally and figuratively). Seeds to Trees guides you through the process.

It is rewarding to set out a basket of seedlings and watch them be taken in short order. A coffee shop barista told us “People are showing us pictures of their newly planted seedling on their phones, and thanking us for doing this! Thank YOU for making this happen!”

Whether you give away 5 seedlings or 100s, you’ve done something positive for the environment. And if many people do this, the impact can be huge.
‘Think Globally, Act Locally’


Where does Seeds To Trees operate?
We’re doing this in southwest Ohio in the USA, but this is something that anyone can do anywhere. Use our techniques as a starting point, then network with local gardeners/arborists to determine growing techniques that
work best for trees in your area.


How does one do this?
In the fall, tree seeds are gathered and planted in buckets. After a season or two, the seedlings are bagged up and distributed. Late winter (Mid-February through mid- March in our area) seems to be the best time because the seedlings are still dormant, and people are eager to be outside. This website guides you through the entire process.